About Us

About Us

Central Baptist Church of Jamestown is located at 99 Narragansett Avenue in Jamestown RI.

Central Baptist Church
99 Narragansett Avenue
Jamestown, RI 02835

Phone: (401) 423-1651

Office Hours Monday-Thursday: 10:00 AM-2:00 PM

Open Doors-Open Minds-Open Hearts

A church with open doors…

All are welcome! Our congregation includes members from nearly thirty faith backgrounds and traditions. There are many open doors into the life of our congregation; worship services, community service, special events, youth programs, music offerings, and more. Whichever doors you choose to enter, you will find an active, welcoming community!

NOTE: It would be awesome if we could have a photo of the doors open and maybe some of the members being welcoming.


A church with open minds…

As we come together to travel our faith journeys, we strive to be a community that nurtures and nourishes a thoughtful faith, with an ever-deepening spiritual awareness. We also believe that faith is a great gift for children via experiential learning.

A church with open hearts…

We seek to be a caring community in which each person is valued and finds a place of acceptance and belonging. We reach out to the broader community to see what needs, we may be able to address, often in partnership with others. We are a community of prayers and answered prayers!

A Brief History

An entry dated June 5, 1743 from Rev. Dr. MacSparran references an early service he officiated in “Conanicut.” There is evidence that Baptists worshipped on Jamestown as early as 1833, where recorded Baptist history began here. In June 1841, the first Baptist Society of Jamestown was formed in the North School House. A year later the first meeting house was built on North Road.

A meeting was called in the Town Hall on February 21, 1867 for the purpose of organizing a church. Rev. James Hammond was called as the first pastor. One month later the name of Central Baptist Church became official. In 1868, the church voted to build a meeting house in the vicinity of “Four Corners,” our location now for over 150 years.

We are proud of our long and continuous history here in Jamestown. We believe we partner today with those dedicated and influential early church members. We also believe that we partner with the next generations of Jamestown residents in formulating an active and engaged faith community in service to this community and to a needful world.

Our Staff:

Bruce Miller
Interim Pastor

Tanya Crowley
Administrative Assistant

Walter Sage
Music Director

Central Baptist Church
99 Narragansett Avenue
Jamestown, RI 02835

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